00 イントロダクション
01 概要
世界的な大流行により、ファッションと小売業界は分裂し、その構成員に「デジタル化か死か」という明確なメッセージを発した。特に、バランスシートが弱く、顧客基盤が衰退した状態で COVID-19 時代に突入したレガシー企業にとっては、これが事実であることが証明されました。
顧客側では、消費者が自宅で過ごす時間が長くなるにつれ、オンラインが爆発的に成長し、メディア、エンターテインメント、小売が Web3.0 やメタバース(仮想世界、新しいパートナーシップ、経済・商業構造、通貨、DAO(民主化自律組織)の生態系)の傘の下に劇的に融合するのを目撃しました。メタバースでは、バーチャルなコンテンツ、製品、サービス、体験が物理的な制約を受けずに共同創造され、完全に追跡可能で民主的にマネタイズされるようになりました。
The global pandemic fractured the fashion and retail industries, sending a clear message to its constituents: digitalize or die. This has proven to be the case, particularly for legacy players that entered the COVID-19 era with weak balance sheets and waning customer bases. But many brands and retailers responded by accelerating their digital efforts, accomplishing in months a level of transformation they had originally planned to roll out over years. In a relatively short period of time, a plethora of innovative tech solutions emerged, bringing efficiencies and improved performance across the value chain. On the customer side, as consumers spent more time at home, we witnessed explosive online growth and a dramatic convergence of media, entertainment and retail under the umbrella of Web3.0 or The Metaverse – an ecosystem of virtual worlds, new partnerships, economic and commercial structures, currencies and DAOs (Democratized Autonomous Organizations). The metaverse is now where virtual content, products, services and experiences are co-created without physical constraints, and are fully trackable and democratically monetized.
At a macro level, four industry-wide themes have emerged:
1. 1.メタバースを支えるテクノロジーツール、2.エンドユーザー体験の完成、そして3. 3. 追跡可能性と説明責任による透明性の向上
AI and data analytics for insights across all functions in the fashion value chain, enabling predictive and real-time decision-making, and increasingly personalized and interactive customer engagement;
3D digital assets emerged as the building blocks for efficient and sustainable processes, and the starting point for virtual products and experiences;
Technology innovation pursuing an industry-wide sustainability agenda: more virtual, less physical, make only what there is demand for;
The metaverse as the next frontier for brands and retailers via three key pathways:
1. Technology tools that power the metaverse; 2. Perfecting the end- user experience; and 3. Driving transparency through trackability and accountability.
さらに、高級ファッションのためのゲーミフィケーション・ソーシャルコマース・プラットフォーム「ALTAVA Worlds of You」やメタバース内の他の複数の仮想世界での相互運用性を確保することで、これらのアセットの有用性を最大化することを目標としています。
The impact of these developments on the fashion industry cannot be underestimated. The way that fashion and lifestyle products are created and consumed will continue to change exponentially, and soon we will ask why, pre-2020, brands suffered inefficient, unsustainable practices for so long. More importantly, we will wonder how customers were satisfied with one-dimensional store engagement and two-dimensional online transactions versus the multi-channel, multi-perspective immersive experiences crossing virtual and physical worlds that they will come to expect.
ALTAVA is at the forefront of this revolution. As luxury brands accelerate their digital agendas, we see – finally – their embrace of virtual assets and experiences, blockchain capabilities and cryptocurrencies as key components of the new retail reality, first in pursuit of more efficient processes, trackability and provenance, and more recently through the explosion of collaborations in gamification, metahumans, and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).
ALTAVA’s goal is to leverage its cutting-edge technologies and partnerships with some of the world’s leading luxury brands to launch a new digital market that offers a unique curated collection of NFTs and other virtual assets. Further, we aim to maximize the utility of these assets by ensuring interoperability within our gamified social commerce platform for luxury fashion, ALTAVA Worlds of You, as well as in multiple other virtual worlds in the metaverse.
02 コンテキスト
2.1 デジタル化へのシフト
Prior to 2020’s catastrophic events, the luxury and premium fashion sector in general had exhibited hesitancy in its pursuit of a digital agenda. Only a few outliers such as Burberry,
Balenciaga, Tommy Hilfiger and relative new-comer Off-White showed a predisposition towards integrating technology into their value propositions.
That has now changed. Today, leading luxury brands are voluntarily stepping into new tech solutions and channels, and in some cases leading the conversation into the metaverse, even as
they acknowledge it is uncharted territory. This new era of digitalization is driven by the clear understanding that to follow this path is essential to ensure relevancy and appeal to changing customer profiles, and to drive continued growth, competitiveness and ultimately, profitability.
2.2 新しい消費者
2021年には、この2つの人口動態を合わせて、世界のラグジュアリー市場の35%にあたる2900億米ドルの売上を牽引し、2025年には40%を超えると予測されています(The Drum, Sept 16, 2021)。
Today’s luxury fashion consumers are significantly different from older demographics, and this is contributing to the pressure on brands to digitize and innovate. Product and customer strategies must now be relevant to NextGen consumers (Gen Z digital natives and coming of age Alphas). In less than a decade, Gen Z will dominate the global economy. According to Bank of America research, Gen Z currently earns US$7T across its 2.5 billion-person demographic. By 2025, that income will grow to $17T, and by 2030, it will reach $33T, representing 27% of the world’s income and will surpass that of millennials by 2031. With this kind of influence, Gen Z will continue to shift and drive conversations for the next 15 years; a factor that is already loud and clear in China, where Gen Z and Millennials represent 40% of the population. In 2021 these two demographics together drove US$290B in luxury sales, 35% of the global luxury market, and this is forecast to pass 40% by 2025 (The Drum, Sept 16, 2021).
社会の一員であることだけでは十分ではありません。特に、同じ志や情熱を共有するコミュニティに対して、本当の自分、個性を見せることが響くのです。(ベイン、2021年9月)。この重要な層を取り込むチャンスは、ブランド真正のコンテンツだけでなく ソーシャルメディアや従来の商取引のタッチポイントだけでなく、ゲーミフィケーションによるバーチャルな体験も増えています。
Forward-looking luxury brands have also recognized that Gen Z is philosophically and emotionally unlike preceding generations. Traditional luxury signals around money and status are in decline, as NextGen consumers favor references and codes that define and communicate who they really are, their true selves – responding to a need for identity and self-expression. (Bain, September 2021) And they are doing this digitally via social media, gaming and more recently, forays into platforms such as Discord, Fortnite and Roblox.
A new lens is now needed on the topic of positioning and status. As technology continues to democratize engagement, and as creator and collaborator economies blossom, the Next Generation demands greater accessibility and transparency. For these consumers, positioning and status have completely different definitions from those held by older cohorts. Today, inspiration and social impact – not money and social status – are the key factors for Gen Z, who now expect companies to actively participate in and take a stand on social matters. This gives brands an opportunity to be “social actors and cultural co-producers” with their customers, responding to the need for inspiration and self-actualization. Consumers now want to “show off” that they lead a “rich” life, where “rich” is defined not in monetary terms, but as living life to the fullest. Being part of “society” is not enough. What resonates is showing real self and personality, especially to a community that shares the same ambitions and passions. (Bain, Sept 2021). The opportunity to align with this critical demographic exists not only in brand-authentic content on social media and via all traditional commerce touch points, but increasingly, in gamified, virtual experiences.
2.3 バーチャルの価値
From being digital laggards two years ago, today’s most innovative luxury brands are in a hurry to pilot and collaborate widely and rapidly, leading conversations in the cultural zeitgeist through unexpected partnerships and delivery channels. Virtual first and sometimes, but not always, followed by physical products. Recent examples include:
Balenciaga, Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow
Balenciaga’s proprietary game created to debut Balenciaga’s AW 2021 collection. A dystopian Balenciaga world with photorealistic outfits where players can choose a character before exploring various zones, passing models, and pieces from the collection along the way.
Balenciaga, Balenciaga x Fortnite
オンラインゲームプラットフォーム、Epic Gamesの「Fortnite」と提携した初のラグジュアリーブランドです。
The first luxury brand to partner with the online gaming platform, Epic Games’ Fortnite. Within the game, the virtual Balenciaga outfits (“skins’’) are available via a virtual store based on the brand’s existing bricks-and-mortar locations. Further commemorating the partnership with physical components: a limited-edition series of physical products, available in stores and on; and 3D and hyperreal forced perspective campaign videos displayed on billboards featured in major cities such as New York, London, Seoul, and Tokyo.
Gucci, “Gucci Garden Experience” on Roblox
アレッサンドロ・ミケーレのクリエイティブ・ディレクションのもと、イタリアのフィレンツェで開催されたグッチ100周年記念の没入型マルチメディア体験「Gucci Garden Archetypes」と同時期に発表されたものです。
Concurrently launched with the Gucci Garden Archetypes, an immersive multimedia experience unveiled in Florence, Italy celebrating the house’s 100th anniversary under the creative direction of Alessandro Michele. The virtual replication was created on Roblox, a youth-focused gaming platform, where the Dionysus bag sold for 350,000 Robux, over US$4,000—which is more than the cost of the physical bag.
Dolce & Gabbana, ‘Collezione Genesi’ NFT Collection
Designed by Dolce & Gabbana’s Creative Directors, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, in collaboration with Polygon-backed marketplace UNXD. The collection is auctioned as an NFT
package that includes the physical and digital version (five physical pieces and the remaining four items entirely bespoke virtual designs). Future NFT holders will receive original sketches by the designer duo and multiple access passes to future D&G shows.
Burberry, “Sharky B” with Blankos Block Party
バーバリーTBサマー・モノグラム・コレクションにインスパイアされたバーバリーは、Mythical Gamesと提携し、数量限定のNFTキャラクター「Sharky B」を発売しました。
Blankos Block Partyマーケットプレイスで、Blankoが身につけることができるNFTのゲーム内アクセサリーをブランド化しました。
nspired by the Burberry TB Summer Monogram collection, Burberry partnered with Mythical Games to launch a limited-quantity NFT character, Sharky B, that can be bought and sold within
the Blankos Block Party marketplace with branded in-game NFT accessories that can be worn by any Blanko.
Louis Vuitton, Louis the Game
Louis Vuitton created an adventure-based mobile app game for players to collect 200 candles to commemorate the founder’s 200th anniversary. Players have the chance to collect 30 NFTs as part of the art-themed playable experience while en route, which cannot be sold. Ten of the NFTs were designed by digital artist Beeple (known to have sold an NFT for US$69M).
The ultimate goal of these new partnerships is to establish relevance with the NextGen consumer, whose playing field is all things both digital and physical. Brands have quickly recognized that virtual experiences enable rich story-telling that can more readily and rapidly be deployed globally versus waiting for physical products to be created and introduced into traditional advertising channels or real-life events that are limited to a few markets. While Internet 2.0 moved us at speed, Web3.0 ratchets that up even more to hyperspeed and hyperreal, and instantly global.
“People crave stories. It’s human nature. To truly move people, you need a story. Stories transport us from our current moment and put us comfortably into the hands of the storyteller who will take us somewhere else. We welcome this because we crave stories; it’s in our nature. As emotional creatures, we crave the deeper connection and togetherness that a story provides. Our search for alignment is often resolved through the context of a story; many successful brands know this and use that understanding to dominate their category.”
03 ラグジュアリーにおけるブロックチェーン
3.1 ブロックチェーンとファッションの展開
近年では、LVMH、カルティエ、プラダが、独自の ブロックチェーンコンソーシアム(AURA Blockchain Consortium)という形で、ブロックチェーン機能を提供しています。
The integration of blockchain technology into the luxury fashion segment has been a long time coming. In recent years, LVMH, Cartier and Prada have been lauded for creating their own blockchain capability in the form of the AURA Blockchain Consortium. This was driven principally as a defence against counterfeiting, which represents a US$450B annual impact on the fashion industry. But since not everyone can be part of AURA, other platforms launched to provide fashion brands with a more democratic access to similar capabilities, including ventures such as LUKSO, with its own crypto currency (LYX); and Luxandia, with its own crypto currency (TLX).
The reality is that there is a commercial imperative for brands to use blockchain because it protects the value of creative output, enables every designer or collaborator to monetize correctly, and provides insight into the long-tail of products (ownership, geolocations, financial value over time, product life). By contrast, under current industry practices the product is lost from sight after it is sold at retail, and there is no way to track its lifecycle – which in turn enables fake products to be inserted into a brand’s value chain. On that basis alone, blockchain has rightly been recognized as a necessary default for all smart creatives, not just the most inventive, innovative or high value ones.
ALTAVA aims to go much further than platforms such as Aura. Our technology enables us to create digital twins of physical luxury items and mint them as NFT that can be utilized by their owners across a wide array of virtual worlds within the metaverse. Since by definition, an NFT is blockchain supported, the provenance, trading and usage of these assets is completely transparent and ensures the creator is accurately compensated.
04 アルタバグループについて
ALTAVA GROUPはシンガポールを拠点とし、韓国で強力な事業展開をしている企業です。
私たちは、メタバースやその先にある進化する「表現の世界」を豊かにするオーダーメイドのブランド体験を構築し、物理世界と仮想世界を超えて活動し、消費者とブランド双方にシームレスな橋渡しをします。私たちは、メタバースにおける複数の自己表現-発見、キュレーション、プレイ-を可能にするため、高級ファッションのためのゲーミフィケーション型ソーシャルコマース・プラットフォーム、ALTAVA Worlds of Youを創り出しました。
ALTAVA MARKETは、ALTAVA Worlds of Youの延長線上にあり、消費者は買い物をしたり、キュレーションしたり、メタバースで使用するNFTの形でWorlds of Expressionsを収集したりすることができます。
ALTAVA GROUP is a Singapore-based company with a strong operating presence in South Korea. We build bespoke brand experiences that enrich the evolving World of Expressions in the metaverse and beyond, working across physical and virtual worlds and providing a seamless bridge for both consumers and brands. We have created ALTAVA Worlds of You, a gamified social commerce platform for luxury fashion, to enable multiple expressions of self in the metaverse – to discover, curate and play. ALTAVA MARKET is an extension of ALTAVA Worlds of You, where consumers can shop, curate and collect Worlds of Expressions in the form of NFTs for use in the metaverse.
4.1 当社のソリューション
ALTAVA Worlds of You
ALTAVA Worlds of Youは、ラグジュアリーファッションのためのゲーミフィケーション・ソーシャルコマース・プラットフォームです。
私たちは、人は1つ以上のものであると信じています。自己表現とスタイルは、決して 社会的、身体的、その他によって制限されています。ALTAVAのデジタル・デスティネーションは、人々がWorlds of Youを発見し、キュレートし、遊ぶことができるように、メタバースにおける複数の自己表現を可能にするために存在します。
ALTAVA Worlds of You is our gamified social commerce platform for luxury fashion. We believe that people are more than one thing. Self expression and style should never be limited by society, physicality or otherwise. The ALTAVA digital destination exists to enable multiple expressions of self in the metaverse so that people can discover, curate, and play with Worlds of You.
In ALTAVA, you can experience an enhanced reality where your avatar is an alternative extension of yourself through AI facial recognition and customization tools. By converging the physical and virtual worlds, we democratize fashion and enable digital twins of luxury goods to be accessible for all at a fraction of the cost; with links to physical purchase options to brand partner’s e-commerce sites. Our social environments allow users to interact with each other through in-game personal messaging and avatar networking in curated themed places while enabling content to be shared across all social media channels.
The ALVATA metaverse aims to maximize the interconnectivity between users through NFTs in our ALTAVA Marketplace, where users will easily transit from metaverse to marketplace, and vice versa.
ALTAVA Marketは、ユーザーが高級ラグジュアリーファッションのNFTやバーチャルグッズを一次購入、または二次購入し、取引できる場所です。
ALTAVA Marketの目的は、物理的な双子が存在するかしないかのアイテムのバーチャルバージョンを提供することで、グローバルラグジュアリーへのアクセスを民主化することです。
これは、アセットクラスとしてのバーチャルラグジュアリーの魅力と、ALTAVA Marketのチャンスの大きさを示しています。市場に投入されるすべてのNFTは、最初の発売であれ再販であれ、高級品と大衆の時代精神との絶え間なく変化する関係の一片を表しており、購入者が特定の高級品の瞬間を所有するユニークな機会を提供します。
そして、このメタデータを統合し、ユニークなシリアル番号付きのNFTに造幣・トークン化します。NFTは、ALTAVA Marketを通じて一般にオークションで販売され、ブランドのポジショニング戦略に応じて、ALTAVA Worlds of You、または他の仮想環境の組み合わせに導入されます。
メタバースの特徴であるコラボレーションとコミュニティの精神に基づき、Binance、OpenSea、Nifty Gateway、Raribleなどの他のNFT市場プラットフォームと提携し、限定シリーズNFTがあればその一部を分配します。例として、2021年10月にはBinance NFT Marketplaceと提携し、Balmainの限定ワンオブゼムNFTの最初の提供を開始しました。
ALTAVA Market is where users can buy and trade exclusive premium luxury fashion NFTs and virtual collectibles as either primary or secondary purchases. On the primary market, we will host private auctions on a regular basis where new NFTs are initially released. On the secondary or resale market, purchasers can buy and sell their personally-owned fashion NFTs.
ALTAVA Market’s aim is to democratize access to global luxury through offering virtual versions of items that may or may not have a physical twin. As with any trading environment, ultimate value and pricing are determined by the community, and we recognize that there is currently a lack of historical data from which to predict how individual items may sell or trade in the future. This is in many respects a completely Blue Ocean. However, it is worthwhile to no that tokenization of virtual luxury fashion and luxury collaborations with popular cultural/lifestyle themes has already performed in line with or in a growing number cases at higher levels than the physical equivalent . This indicates the compelling nature of virtual luxury items as an asset class, and the magnitude of the opportunity for ALTAVA Market. Since every NFT brought to market whether for initial launch or resale represents a slice of luxury’s continuously morphing relationship with the popular zeitgeist, we offer a unique opportunity for purchasers to own specific luxury moments in time.
ALTAVA delivers brand partners an end-to-end solution for the digitization of fashion. We use a tripartite approach: starting from initial designs, we deploy specific parameters that enable us to create a design in a variety of formats that adhere to the currently differing specifications in different virtual worlds. Relevant taxonomies are applied in the form of metadata. We then proceed to consolidate this metadata, and mint and tokenize the assets into unique, serial numbered NFTs. The NFTs are then offered for sale by auction to the public via ALTAVA Marketlaunched into ALTAVA Worlds of You, or into a combination of other virtual environments, depending on the brand’s positioning strategy.
In the spirit of collaboration and community, which is a hallmark of the metaverse, we will partner with other NFT marketplace platforms such as Binance, OpenSea, Nifty Gateway, and Rarible to distribute a percentage of any limited series NFTs. As an example, in October 2021 we teamed up with the Binance NFT Marketplace for the first launch of Balmain’s limited one-of-a-kind NFT offering.
05 TAVA Utility Token
TAVA is a purpose-built utility token for ALTAVA Market, which sits at the inTAVAは、ラグジュアリー、クリエイティビティ、そしてゲーミフィケーションやバーチャルファッション技術の最新開発が交差する場所に位置するALTAVA Marketのために作られたユーティリティ・トークンです。TAVAトークンの推進力は、メタバースにおけるラグジュアリーの爆発的成長に購入者が参加するための関連したメカニズムを提供し、急速に拡大するラグジュアリーに焦点を当てたコミュニティの嗜好と一致させる必要性である。
tersection of luxury, creativity, and the latest developments in gamified and virtual fashion technology. The driver for TAVA tokens is the need to provide a relevant mechanism for purchasers to participate in the explosive growth of luxury in the metaverse, and to align with the preferences of a rapidly expanding luxury-focused community.
Holders of TAVA tokens will gain access to exclusive NFTs and other curated virtual assets, special auctions, and unique experiences built in collaboration with relevant luxury houses, designers, and creators across multiple disciplines. 30% of any initial luxury NFTs released will be allocated to TAVA holders who registered for the auction, and selected auctions will be held in which only TAVA token holders will be able to participate.
TAVA token holders benefit from key privileges:
ALTAVA Marketの価値提案の独占性を確保します。
TAVAトークンの減価を防ぐ繊細な「トークノミクス」設計により、安定した通貨を所有者に提供します。 TAVAトークン所有者のみが参加できる独占オークションが開催される予定です。
30% of any initial luxury NFTs released will be allocated to TAVA holders who registered for the auction;
Ensures the exclusivity of the ALTAVA Market value proposition;
Protects and powers the exclusivity of each luxury NFT item and other virtual assets selected for the ALTAVA Market;
Delicately designed ‘tokenomics’ that prevents depreciation of TAVA tokens giving a stable and well protected currency to its owners Exclusive auctions will be held in which only TAVA token holders will be able to participate;
Accordingly, TAVA tokens will operate as a device that prevents unintentional value loss of the assets and escalates the exclusivity of our marketplace platform, which will ultimately benefit our NFT holders and token holders.
Ensures the exclusivity of the ALTAVA Market value proposition;
Protects and powers the exclusivity of each luxury NFT item and other virtual assets selected for the ALTAVA Market;
Delicately designed ‘tokenomics’ that prevents depreciation of TAVA tokens giving a stable and well protected currency to its owners
We believe that exclusivity and rarity protects the value of luxury; TAVA will play out its role on the marketplace as a safeguard against the loss of value.
月単位で、その月にALTAVA Marketで活動した買い手と売り手にTAVAトークンが配布されます。
On a monthly basis, TAVA tokens will be distributed to buyers and sellers who have been active on the ALTAVA Market during the month. Both buyers and sellers will equally receive 50% of the distributed amount, and the token will be extracted from the ecosystem.
Every quarter, we will use 30% of our profits that are earned at the ALTAVA market to buyback TAVA tokens.
また、TAVAトークンは、ALTAVA Marketに積極的に付加価値を与えたユーザーへのインセンティブ手段としても使用される予定です 。
Red DAOのメンバーであり、暗号投資会社MagneticのマネージングディレクターであるMegan Kasparは、デジタルNFTファッションが今後20年間で少なくとも2倍になる潜在的な世界的収益を含むことを明確にしています。
” [それは、ファッションのデジタル化と、その過程で自然に生まれる革新的な新しいビジネスモデルによるものです。私たちは、暗号資産クラスのセクターとして、デジタルファッションが最大級のものになると予想しています。”
The TAVA token will also be used as a means of incentives to users who have actively added value to the ALTAVA Market .
Megan Kaspar, a member of the Red DAO and managing director of crypto investment firm Magnetic is clear that digital NFT fashion includes potential global revenues at least doubling in the next two decades:
“ [That’s] due to the digitization of fashion along with revolutionary new business models naturally emerging through the process. We anticipate Digital Fashion as a sector in the crypto asset class to become one of the largest.”
06 技術紹介
ALTAVA GROUPは、高忠実度と性能に投資します。私たちは、実物の3Dデジタイズに取り組みます。ラグジュアリーアイテムは、パターンやパックショットの3つの異なる手法で デジタル化、ポストレンダリングを最小限に抑えたスキャニング、スケッチのビジュアライゼーション。
当社独自の 360度全方位を見渡せる高忠実度の3D資産を提供することができます。実世界の物理現象を応用した生地は、ドレープや動きをシミュレートしています。その結果 どのような配信チャンネルでも没入感のある効果が得られます。
ALTAVA GROUP invests in high-fidelity and performance. We approach 3D digitization of actual or virtual-only luxury items products through three different techniques: pattern and packshot digitization; scanning with minimal post-rendering; and visualization of sketches. Our unique technology enables us to offer high-fidelity 3D assets with full 360-degree views, while our application of real-world physics to fabrications simulates drape and movement. The result is a fully immersive effect regardless of delivery channel.
ALTAVA Avatars
アバターテクノロジーの活用は、ブランドに対するALTAVA GROUPの価値提案に不可欠な要素です。
現実世界でのコラボレーションを模倣し、デザイナー、インフルエンサー、セレブリティと協働して バーチャルアバターを作成します。このアバターによって、彼らは、より革新的な方法で参加することができます。ALTAVA Worlds of YouやALTAVA Marketなどの仮想世界、イベント、ソーシャルで他のユーザーと メディアプラットフォームです。
当社のバーチャルキャラクター作成プロセスは、高品質なキャラクター陰影技術と改良された ハイパーリアルテクノロジー」と呼ばれるジオメトリーワークフローにより、髪の忠実度が最も高くなります。メイクなど、細部の美的センスが問われます。その結果、本人とほとんど見分けがつかないアバターが完成します。リアルに再現しています。
The use of avatar technology is an integral part of ALTAVA GROUP’s value proposition for brands.
Emulating collaboration in the real world, we work with designers, influencers and celebrities to create their virtual avatars. This provides an innovative way for them to participate in and engage with other users in ALTAVA Worlds of You, ALTAVA Market, or other virtual worlds, events, and social media platforms.
Our virtual character creation process uses high-quality character shade techniques and an improved geometry workflow known as “hyperreal technology” , which ensures the highest fidelity in hair, makeup, and other aesthetic details.. The result is an avatar that is almost indistinguishable from the real-life counterpart.
Sustainability Position(サステナビリティポジション)
ALTAVA Marketは、「PoSA(Proof of Staked Authority)ネットワーク – Proof of Authority(PoA)とPoSの組み合わせ – 環境に優しく、エネルギー効率が高く、持続可能」を採用したBinanceスマートチェーン上で運営されています。
ALTAVA’s technology solutions form a part of a brand’s sustainability narrative in so far as the utilization of digital assets underpins not only hyper-real virtual experiences, but also process efficiency in the creation of physical products: fewer samples during development, a more precise view of demand prediction from insights into consumer engagement with virtual items in advantage of production decisions, a reduction in excess inventory.
ALTAVA Market operates on the Binance Smart Chain, which uses the “Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) networks — a combination of Proof of Authority (PoA) and PoS — environmentally friendly,energy-efficient, and sustainable”.
07 Team
7.1 Management
Andy Ku
- CEO/創業者
- コーネル大学、ハーバード大学卒業
- ソーシャルメディアとゲームにおける連続起業家
- MStarの開発元であるNurien Softの創設者。3Dアバターを使ったファッションソーシャルゲームを最大手のゲーム会社であるNetmarble社 時価総額135億ドル。
- Realtime Worlds Asiaの共同設立者兼CEO。
- モバイルメディアBlueArk Globalの創設者。教育、ゲームサービス会社
Elizabeth von Guttman
- 共同創設者
- チーフコミュニケーションオフィサー
- システムマガジン共同設立者
- エバーコンサルティング&マニフェスト共同創業者
- WednesdayAgency Groupの事業開発部長
Jin Young Choi
- チーフ・テクノロジー・オフィサー
- ACTS29のCEO/共同設立者
- リブラシステムズ株式会社 CEO/創業者
- リブラ社CEO/創業者
- 1semiのCEO/創設者
- KT R&DセンターAIラボの開発者
Karina Cha
- 米国責任者
- DKCスタジオ共同設立者
- 新世界インターナショナル、ブーン・ザ・ショップのファッション&ビジネス・コンサルタント
- セールス&オペレーションズ担当副社長 ロバート ロドリゲス
7.2 Advisors
Doyal Bryant
- 戦略アドバイザー
- スパークプラグ社 MD
- UBL Interactive共同設立者兼CEO
- BlueLake Capital社MD
- IGCアクイジションズ社長
- Scientigo/Find.comのCEO
Hyun Ouk Cho
- 戦略アドバイザー
- LVMHコリア社長
- ルイ・ヴィトンコリアCEO
- フェンディコリアCEO
- ロエベ(韓国)CEO
- セリーヌ・コリアCEO
Tom Meggle
- ストラテジックアドバイザー
- モメンタムS設立者
- ルイ・ヴィトンUK、S.A.マネージング・ディレクター
- ルイ・ヴィトン ドイツ総支配人
- カルティエ北欧総支配人
Debra Langley
- ストラテジックアドバイザー
- ライラ・ベンチャーズ ベンチャーパートナー
- ブリッジファッションインキュベータ アドバイザー兼レジデントメンター
- DKNYジーンズ・インターナショナル社長
- ボーダーリンクス(APAC)社長
Natalia Vodianova
ナタリア・ヴォディアノヴァは、ロシアのモデルであり、スペシャルオリンピックス国際理事会のメンバーであり、国連でもある。国連親善大使。また、Naked Heart Foundationの創設者でもある。特別なニーズを持つ子どもたちとその家族を支援するために。
2010年、ヴォディアノヴァは、ハーパーズ・バザール誌より、ヴォディアノヴァ賞として表彰されました。インスピレーション・オブ・ザ・イヤー 2014年、Glamourは彼女をウーマン・オブ・ザ・イヤーに認定した。
Natalia Vodianova is a Russian model, a member of the Special Olympics International Board of Directors, and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. She is the founder of the Naked Heart Foundation, a philanthropic organization committed to helping children with special needs and their families. In 2010, Vodianova was awarded by Harper’s Bazaar as Inspiration of the Year. In 2014 Glamour recognized her as Woman of the Year.
Netmarbleは、韓国のモバイルゲームデベロッパーです。韓国最大のモバイルゲーム会社です。2000年にバン・ジュンヒョクによって設立されました。当社は、セブンナイツ、Modoo、Cookie Jamなどのゲームを開発してきました。リネージュ2レボリューション、マーベル・フューチャーファイト、パンダポップ、まぐまぐなど、2020年に25億ドルの売上を目指す。
Netmarble is a South Korean mobile game developer. It is South Korea’s largest mobile-gaming company which was founded in 2000 by Bang Joon-hyuk. The Company has developed games, including Seven Knights, Modoo, Cookie Jam, Lineage 2 Revolution, Marvel Future Fight, Panda Pop, MaguMagu and others with USD 2.5B revenue in 2020.
トランスレイシオは、高級ファッションとライフスタイルの小売店経営のパートナーであり、小売店経営に特化したコンサルタント会社です。2003年以来、中国におけるファッション専門店のコンセプト開発、運営を行っています。現在、30以上の世界トップクラスのラグジュアリーブランドが 現在、中国でTranslatioと協働しているファッションブランドは以下の通りです。
Translatio is a luxury fashion and lifestyle retail management partner and consultancy specializing in retail management, operations and specialty fashion retail concept development in China since 2003. There are over 30+ global top luxury fashion brands currently working with Translatio in China today.
LG Electronics
LG Electronicsは、韓国のソウルに本社を置く、韓国の多国籍エレクトロニクス企業である。LGエレクトロニクス は、韓国第4位の財閥に属し、世界売上高は559億1000万米ドルに達しています。同社は128の は、世界各地で事業を展開し、83,000 名を雇用しています。
LG Electronics is a South Korean multinational electronics company headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. LG Electronics is part of the fourth-largest chaebol in South Korea and its global sales reached US$55.91 billion. The company has 128 operations worldwide, employing 83,000 people.
Hyundai Department Store Group – Futurenet
Hyundai Department Store Group is a publicly listed company operates department stores under the name of Hyundai Department over nationwide. The Company also produces home shopping programs for cable channels and sells merchandise through home shopping programs.
Animoca Brands
Animoca Brandsは、幅広い製品ポートフォリオを開発・発行しています。REVVトークン、SANDトークン、オリジナルゲーム「The Sandbox」「Crazy Kings」「Crazy Defense また、F1®、Marvel、WWE、Power Rangersなどの人気知的財産を活用した商品も提供しています。MotoGP™、ドラえもん。
Animoca Brands, ranked in the Financial Times list of High Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2021, is a leader in digital entertainment, blockchain, and gamification. Animoca Brands develops and publishes a broad portfolio of products including the REVV token and SAND token; original games including The Sandbox, Crazy Kings, and Crazy Defense Heroes; and products utilizing popular intellectual properties including Formula 1®, Marvel, WWE, Power Rangers, MotoGP™, and Doraemon.
08 パートナー企業(Our Partners)
ALTAVA is a leader in partnering with luxury brands. We currently work with more than 50+ luxury brands including Balmain, Bulgari, Chloe, Moncler, Marni, and Prada, for whom we develop, maintain and sell their licensed virtual assets through our digital platforms.
さらにALTAVAは、デジタルショールーム、バーチャルポップアップ・ストア、3Dプロモーションキャンペーン、3D LED没入体験、3Dアバター、ブラグリ、ディオール、フェンディ、プラダ、バルマン、メットガラ2021用のヴォーグ、リシュモングループ傘下の複数のメゾンのために作成したコマース構想など、パートナー向けに特注のソリューションを構築しています。
In addition, ALTAVA builds bespoke solutions to its partners, including digital showrooms, virtual pop-up stores, 3D promotional campaigns, 3D LED immersive experiences, 3D avatar and commerce initiatives created for Bulagri, Dior, Fendi, Prada, Balmain, Vogue for the Met Gala 2021, and several maisons under Richemont Group.
ALTAVA currently holds the largest library of digital ‘twins’ based on physical products in the luxury fashion sector.
09 概要
We are currently witnessing a momentous shift globally in the adoption of virtual, XR, blockchain and crypto solutions, and collaborations that not only meld virtual and physical, but take brands and consumers further into the metaverse. Many luxury brands are leading the way in innovation as they enter into unexpected partnerships to deliver new and evolving experiences. We believe that ALTAVA is poised to capture a significant market share within the luxury NFT and virtual assets space, supported by our gamified social commerce platform, and our access to some of the world’s most important luxury fashion brands. and network that includes iconic and influential players in the current cultural zeitgeist.
10 免責
このホワイトペーパー及び関連文書は、ALTAVA GROUP of companies(以下「ALTAVA GROUP」)及びTAVAトークン(以下「TAVA」)の意図する開発及び使用に関するものである。これらの文書は、変更の通知や追加情報へのアクセスなしに、いつでも修正または置換される可能性があります。
ALTAVA GROUPは、ホワイトペーパーに含まれる情報、そのような情報の誤り、省略、不正確さ、またはそこから生じる行動に依存することによって直接的または間接的に生じるいかなる種類の直接的または間接的な損失または損害に対するいかなる責任も明示的に否認します。
This White Paper and associated documents relate to the intended development and use of the ALTAVA GROUP of companies (“ALTAVA GROUP”) and the TAVA token (“TAVA”). These documents may be amended or replaced at any time, without notification of changes or access to additional information.
ALTAVA GROUP expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from reliance on any information contained in the whitepaper, any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information or any action resulting therefrom.
This White Paper does not constitute a prospectus or offering document and is not a solicitation for investment and does not constitute an offer of financial instruments, advice or securities to the public or a collective investment scheme. Any decision to purchase TAVA shall not be based on consideration of this White Paper.
It is solely up to you to ensure that no prior or subsequent approval, notification, registration or licence is needed or if such is needed, it is solely your responsibility to obtain such prior or subsequent approval, notification, registration or licence or require any form in the country where you are a citizen, national, resident or having a similar connecting factor, or incorporated, registered or effectively managed, and the Issuer shall not in any way be liable for any non-conformity of the above by you.